

Inhabiting fountains / Habitando fuentes

Habitando Fuentes es otro de los proyecto que teníamos guardado y que ahora queremos compartir, hasta que llegue el momento de llevarlo a cabo.

Nos gustan las fuentes en la ciudad, estar cerca de ellas nos produce bienestar y sosiego y ayuda algo a sobrevivir en la ajetreada vida diaria. Suelen estar situadas en espacios privilegiados, a su alrededor abunda la vegetación ornamental y al estar ubicadas en zonas de atracción turística, no se escatima en su cuidado.

A pesar de que la gente se para a contemplarlas, la mayoría de las veces no son realmente usadas por los ciudadanos ya que suele haber barreras arquitectónicas que las protegen.

Nosotros pensamos que quizás en su interior se escondan puertas secretas a mundos desconocido y sorprendente y nos proponemos habitarde manera efímera el fondo de una fuente, transportando la vida cotidiana al interior de sus quietas aguas.

Para ello, dejaremos flotando puertas semiabiertas por las que el sonido y la luz del hogar se escapen, imaginando que en su interior, la vida transcurre normalmente.

El sonido ambiente, habrá sido grabado en el interior de casas de la zona, con ruidos de puertas que se abren, sonidos de televisión, música, conversaciones, cubiertos en la mesa… actos cotidianos que todos llevamos a cabo en nuestro hogar. Pediremos la colaboración de vecinos para que nos dejen grabar sus vidas cotidianas y trasladarlas dentro de la fuente.

Ilustraciones de Marta Menacho.


Inhabiting fountains is another project we had saved and now we want to share, until the time comes to carry it out.

We like fountains in the city, to be close to them produces a feeling of well-being, tranquility, helping in some way to survive the busy daily life.

Often, they are located in priveleged spaces, abundantly surrounded by ornamental vegetation and located in areas which are attractive to tourists, their care not lacking.

In spite of the fact that people stop to contemplate them, the majority of the time they are not really used by the citizens, given that they usually have architectural barriers protecting them.

We think, that maybe in their interiors, they hide secret doors to unknown and surprising worlds, of exemplary town planning, impossible to find in other spaces in the city and we propose to inhabit, in an ephemeral way, the depths of a fountain, transporting the daily lives of families to the interior of its quiet waters.

For this purpose, we will float partially opened doors, through which the sound and light of the homes will escape, imagining that in its interior, life goes on normally.

There will also be ambient sound, which will have been recorded inside homes with the sound of opening doors, television sounds, músic, conversations, cutlery on the table… daily acts which all of us carry out in our homes. We will ask the cooperation of neighbors to let us recording their daily lives and transfer them into the fountain.

Illustrations, Marta Menacho.