Inhabiting the urban light / Habitando la luz urbana
Con nuestro proyecto aun no realizado Habitando la luz urbana queremos dar visibilidad a la luz urbana, de manera que seamos conscientes de su importancia en nuestra vida y la gran evolución que ha supuesto que todos los espacios urbanos estén iluminados y se pueda estar en ellos sin miedo.
Proponemos pues, una instalación de unas 40 piezas de tela elástica en forma de cono que se sujetan a la parte superior de las farolas y cuya tela se va abriendo hasta alcanzar el suelo terminando en una circunferencia de 1,20 metros de diámetro.
En la parte interior del cono, la tela tendrá una apertura para que la gente pueda meterse en el interior del cono. Al ser semitransparente las personas que estén fuera podrán ver lo que pasa en el interior del espacios iluminado.
La luz que saldrá de las farolas, quedará pues atrapada en el espacio interior de nuestro cono y según el color de la tela, toda la calle se teñirá de la misma tonalidad.
Con esta propuesta, queremos llevar a cabo una instalación que no conlleve ningun gasto de energía para la ciudad. Siempre tratamos de pensar en instalaciones de mínimos recursos y máxima efectividad y vistosidad, ya que creemos que en tiempos de crisis es importante poder seguir trabajando, a pesar de las condiciones adversas y hacerlo de manera responsible, sin derrochar energía. Es importante para nosotros que se perciba esta economía de medios en esta pieza.
Ilustraciones: Marta Menacho
With our unrealized project Inhabiting the urban light, we want to increase the visibility of urban light, so that the citizens realize its importance in their lives and the great evolution that has taken place to illuminate all urban spaces in order that the same things can be done as during the day without any fear.
We propose a installation of about 40 pieces of fabric in the shape of a cone that are fastened to the top of the street lamps (of the kind we have indicated in our drawings) whose fabric will open out until it reaches the ground terminating in a circumference of 1.2 meters in diameter.
That is to say we will create a cone that goes from the top edge of the lamppost to the ground by outlining a false, solid beam of light, as if the light had been made solid.
On the inside of the cone, created by the crook, the fabric will have an opening so that people can enter into the cone and being semi-transparent, those that are outside can see what happens inside.
The light which is produced by the lampposts, will be trapped in the space inside our cone and depending on the color of the fabric, the whole street will be colored with the same hue.
The cloth used will be semi-transparent to allow the light to pass through and so that one can see what’s happening on the inside as well as elastic so that the inhabitants of the light can vary its shape with their hands. Also, the very same citizens that enter into this magic space, will be able to design their own beam of light.
We want to carry out a light installation that does not entail any expenditure of energy for the city. We always try to think of minimum resource installations that have maximum effectiveness and visibility, as we believe that in times of crisis it is important to be able to continue working, despite the adverse conditions and to do so in a responsible way, without wasting energy, this is one of our constant inspirations. It is our desire that the people perceive this economy of means in our piece.
Illustrations: Marta Menacho