

Lo que perdimos en el 2011 / What we lost in 2011

What we lost in 2011 from luzinterruptus on Vimeo.

Con un poco de retraso os dejamos el video de nuestra instalación navideña Lo que perdimos en el 2011, en la que pedíamos a amigos personales y queridos que nos dijeran la palabra que definiera lo más importante que habían perdido durante el año 2011.

Nosotros unimos esas palabras a grandes cometas de papel y las hicimos subir al cielo para que ardieran en él y cayeran a la tierra en forma de cenizas.


With a little delay we have posted the video of our christmas installation for What we lost in 2011 for you, in which we asked our personal friends and loved ones to give us a word which best defined the most important thing that had been lost during the year 2011.

We attached these words to large paper kites and launched them into the sky heaven so that they would burn up in it and fall to the earth in the form of ashes.